Above the Fold – When a user first visits a website, any content visible without scrolling down is considered above the fold
AJAX (Asynchronous Javascript & XML) – A method to send or receive data from a web server
Backend / Frontend – Where website content is displayed or accessed
Browser – A program that allows you to visit websites. e.g. Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Apple Safari
Bounce Rate
Cache – Website data stored locally for faster access
CTA (Call to Action)
CMS (Content Management System) – Software used to create and manage content. e.g. WordPress
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) – The language used to style HTML
Cookies – Stores website information on the user’s device. This can be session information that keeps a user logged in, items in a user’s shopping cart, so on…
DNS (Domain Name Server) – Matches the domain name to a website’s IP address
Domain – Address of the website. A friendly representation of the IP address
E-commerce – the activity of selling or buying products online
Favicon – browser tab and bookmark icon
HTML (HyperText Markup Language) – Markup language for websites
HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) – an application layer protocol for sending web data such as HTML. A website that is secured with encryption will use HTTPS
Hyperlink – A clickable link to a webpage or media
iFrame – used to display media or HTML content within a web page
LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySql & PHP) – Software bundle
Landing Page – The first page a user sees when visiting a website. This can be the homepage or a special landing page for marketing
RSS (Really Simple Syndication) – A file that contains updates from a website
SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Server-Side / Client-Side – Where the website operations take place. On the webserver or on the user’s device.
Site Map
SSL Certificate
UI / UX (User Interface / User Experience)